1. I already have/own a premise-based phone system — why should I move to the cloud?
Managing change has always been an essential skill for business owners, but managing a business today isn’t simple. No longer can an owner wait for the next big paradigm shift ...
2. I tried Hosted PBX and it didn’t work well — how is this better?
Because not all Hosted PBX platforms are the same, it’s important to discuss what you were experiencing and why you were encountering issues. Our proven platform has been built from ...
3. What happens if I lose my Internet connection?
All cloud-based applications rely on Internet connectivity, but with a Hosted PBX solution, when you lose your broadband connection your communication infrastructure remains available. In other words, your Internet connection ...
4. Do I need a new or alternate Internet connection?
No, you do not require a second Internet connection for business resiliency. However, a second Internet connection is wise given it provides a great way to further solidify your network ...
5. Is a Hosted phone solution reliable enough for my business?
When implemented properly, a Hosted PBX solution is more reliable than a premise-based phone solution, as it can scale to meet your business’s evolving needs — and provides benefits that ...
6. Is buying a new phone system worth the added expense?
A Hosted PBX solution doesn’t require large, upfront investments like a traditional phone system. Switching to a Hosted PBX will reduce your up-front costs and over time your expenses are ...
7. Is a Hosted PBX solution as feature-rich as a traditional phone system?
Yes, our cloud-based phone systems include features most organizations don’t have and can’t acquire without purchasing and/or updating their premise- based phone system. Plus, you now have the ability to ...
8. Which telecom carrier(s) does your solution use?
Another benefit of our cloud-based PBX platform is that you’ll never have to deal with traditional, long distance carriers again. We manage all carrier connectivity in the cloud, with ‘cross-connects’ ...